Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Ga Ga Has Spoken

Punched inbetween the eyes...that's how I felt watching this a moment ago for the first time.    Yeah it will be schlocky ten minutes from now but for the moment it's HOT....and those shoes?   F#$%in tight.   Lady Ga Gay (to me) is the love child of Marilyn Manson & Madonna.


Blake said...

LOVE HER!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just described this on my blog as:

Psycho. Luxe. Bathhouse. Hello Kitty. Glitter. Couture. Nightmare. Glamour. Dior. Sex

Lawrence said...

I see some Amy Winehouse in there and maybe a little Annie Lenox

markwagnal said...

Jeez every body is posting this to their blogs! Guess I am gonna have to break down and watch it

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