I didn't make a New Year's Resolution this year, did you?
Since almost all resolutions fail, I thought a change of strategy was in order, so I decided to try to circumvent fate, and save my resolutions for February. Perhaps giving the new year a monthly breather might bode well for the life changes I want to make.
I'm keeping my finger's crossed.
This year, I want to take my health seriously. I want to finish droping the extra weight I've been working on since the summer, and I want it off permenantly.
This year, I want to finally learn a second language......fluently.
A new job has been in store for a couple years now and I'm planning on making this the year to make that happen too.
Finally, I've spent a good deal of time (almost two years) going over the mistakes I've made in my life....in ethics, careers, relationships etc, and I want to work on those changes which must come from the inside as well. I've always thought I was a pretty good guy, but my self esteem has taken a beating the last couple years or so, and I want to change that.
These aren't vague, pie-in-the-sky resolutions either. I've laid them out on paper, examined them over and over, and made a list of steps to help me achieve them.
Change is a nobel endeavor. When we cease to change, to adapt for the better, we cease to live.
So the new decade has arrived, and its first month has passed. This year is going to be different. I'm going to shatter the old resolution track record and this time I'll make it happen.
If not, there's always next year, right?
I think this is a great way to reach your goals/resolutions. I did something very similar this year. Laid it all out and every few weeks I plan to review it to keep myself on track. Good luck!
Good for you Geoff. I never make new years promises cause I just break them. Your idea sounds like a good strategy.
Way to go!
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