Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Cheesburger/Hair Color & Extra Bronzing....

and just a liiiiiitle photoshop and my favorite couple become 15 years younger.

Of course, the real world demands real people, and what's more attractive than authenticity?  


Larry Ohio said...

Authenticity? Wouldn't that require him to be standing next to a man?

Anonymous said...

Nicely done...and you got the hands, too!

A Lewis said...

So, yeah, should I be doing the same for myself? Can I just photoshop my own head?

Geoff said...

I wish "I" could photoshop my body real time in real life!

maurice said...

memories are fuzzy and attractive for a reason. Photoshop is memorie in the present.

Donnie said...

I like the photoshopped version better. Well done!

Kyle Leach said...

Great work on the PS version!

Unknown said...

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