Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Hello Fate??? There's Been A Mixup!"

When I grow up, I want to be this guy. 


I know I'm a bit old to look at someone elses life wistfully and wish we could trade places, but I can't help it.  In  youth obsessed gay culture, most of us turn our backs on the future and what growing older means.    Well listen close Mary, because it doesn't have to be scary.  This gay man has carved out a life I would give my eye teeth for in so many respects!

Check out his blog profile:

Extremely active, middle-aged gay man, theatrical designer, teacher and arts administrator retired early from MIT in 2007. I raised two daughters adopted from Korea as a single parent and married my long-time partner in a Massachusetts same-sex wedding on May 23, 2004. We're currently living in the new very green, solar house I designed for my husband and myself. Kinsey: 6 Myers-Briggs: ENFJ

I've written about the apathy of today's queer youth and how they lack role models.   This guy would be my role model on paper.  (Okay...cyber paper.)

Active, theater involved, teacher/prof, educated, married (on my freakin birthday no less) landscape designer, AND living in a green house he designed on his own!   (HELLO???? Fate?  There's been a mixup!)

Visit his blog and check out an amazing individual!  DesignerBlog


larry said...

a definite role model. quite a life...

Charlie said...

I see what you mean, that is a life well lived and living well

kris gilman said...

You have good taste Geoff, an we think you're right that we need to call attention to more men and women in our community who resemble this type of person. Good call.

A Lewis said...

Having met the man, I can only tell you that he's quite the energetic chap. Positive outlook, always up to try something new, interested in so many things, and such a joy to be around. We can all aspire to his fate.

Will said...

Gentlemen, thank you all for your kind comments, particularly to Geoff for visiting my blog and writing what he did. It hasn't always been easy, but I've been very fortunate in my life and I have to say that being gay has played an enormous part in that.

Geoff said...
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RAD said...

thanks for the tip and If Arnie has met him-- then hes a good egg for sure!

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